Ġie diskuss | L-Ewwel Qari | Tieni Qari | Kumitat | Kunsiderazzjoni mill-ġdid fil-kumitat | Tielet Qari |
Seduta Nru 014
24 Jan 1997
Plenary Session |
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Seduta Nru 022
01 Fra 1997
Plenary Session |
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The object of the Bill is to change the composition of the Council of Malta Drydock.s and the method whereby the members assume office.
Kien hemm żball fl-ipproċessar tat-talba tiegħek. Dan l-iżball ġie lloggjat. Niskużaw ruħna ta’ kull inkonvenjent. Jekk il-problem tippersisti, jekk jogħġbok ipprova neħħi il-cache tal-web browser tiegħek
Nru {{pl.Number}} {{pl|titleFilter:lang}}