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Kumitat Permanenti għall-Konsiderazzjoni ta' Abbozzi ta' Liġi
Dokumenti Relatati - It-Tlettax-il Leġiżlatura (2017 - 2022)
1 - Dok. 1 -Dokument intitolat “Legal Analysis of he Draft Law of the Republic of Malta to provide for the updating of the Regulation of Media and Defamation matters and for matters consequential or ancillary thereto”, commissioned by the Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media from Dr Joan Barata Mir, Independent Media Freedom Expert – November 2017 (Laqgħa Nru 14)
2 - Dok2. - Dokument intitolat“Brief comments on the latest amendments to the Media and Defamation Bill of Malta”, prepared by Dr Joan Barata Mir, commissioned by the Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media – Vienna, 23 March 2017 - Laqgħa Nru 14)
3 - Dok. 3 - Dokument intitolat “Note on the actions taken by the national authorities regarding the draft law of the Republic of Malta “to provide for the updating of the Regulation of Media and Defamation matters and for matters consequential or ancilliary thereto”, Dr Joan Barata Mir – Vienna, January 2018 (Laqgħa Nru 14)
4 - Dok. 4 - Dokument intitolat “Action taken further to the OSCE legal analysis of November 2017 of the Maltese Media and Defamation Bill currently awaiting hearing at Committee stage in the Maltese Parliament”
5 - Dok. 5 - Ittra indirizzata lill-Ministru għall-Ġustizzja, Kultura u Gvern Lokali mill-OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Harlem Désir, datata 24 ta’ Jannar 2018. (Laqgħa Nru 14)
6 - Dok. 6 - Laqgħa Nru 94 - Korrispondenza ma' Douglas Salt (Director Frank Salt Real Estate Ltd)
7 - Dok. 7 - Laqgħa Nru 108 - Proposti tal-Kamra tal-Periti għall-Abbozz ta' Liġi dwar il-Periti - Abbozz Nru 163
8 - Dok. 8 - Laqgħa Nru 112 - Proposti tal-Kamra tal-Periti għall-Abbozz ta' Liġi dwar l-Awtorità tal-Bini u Kostruzzjoni - Abbozz Nru 178
9 - Dok. 9 – Laqgħa 115 - Ittra lill-Ispeaker mingħand il-Moviment Graffitti, u
‘Feedback on the Building and Construction Authority Bill’.