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L-Onor. Konrad Mizzi MP

Partit Laburista - It-Tnax-il Leġiżlatura (2013 - 2017)

Konrad Mizzi MP
Ministru fi ħdan l-Uffiċċju tal-Prim Ministru

Stqarrijiet Ministerjali


Stqarrijiet Ministerjali li ġew diskussi minn dan il-Membru Seduta
Statement by the Minister for Energy and Health, Hon. Konrad Mizzi, on alleged abuses in government administered cemeteries S365 - 07 Mar 2016
Statement by the Minister for Energy and Health, Hon. Konrad Mizzi, on the weak concrete used in the Accident and Emergency Department at Mater Dei Hospital S270 - 01 Ġun 2015
Statement by the Minister for Energy and the Conservation of Water, Hon. Konrad Mizzi, on an update in connection with the theft of electricity S124 - 25 Fra 2014
Statement by the Minister for Energy and the Conservation of Water, Hon. Konrad Mizzi, on an update in connection with the theft of electricity S125 - 26 Fra 2014
Statement by the Minister for Energy and the Conservation of Water, Hon. Konrad Mizzi, on the Shanghai Power Electric Investment in Enemalta S128 - 11 Mar 2014
Statement by the Minister for Energy and the Conservation of Water, Hon. Konrad Mizzi, on what is happening at Enemalta Corporation in connection with the theft of electricity S119 - 12 Fra 2014
Statement by the Prime Minister, Hon Joseph Muscat MP, on the European Council held on 19 and 20 March 2015 S254 - 24 Mar 2015
Statement by the Prime Minister, Hon Joseph Muscat MP, on the official visits held during Summer S056 - 01 Ott 2013
Statement by the Prime Minister, Hon Joseph Muscat MP, on the visit to China and the Memorandum of Understanding on medium-term cooperation concluded between the Maltese and Chinese Governments S175 - 14 Lul 2014
Statement by the Prime Minister, Hon. Joseph Muscat MP, on the EU-Turkey Summit and the COP21 S336 - 02 Diċ 2015
Statement by the Prime Minister, Hon. Joseph Muscat MP, on the Panama Papers leaks S371 - 04 Apr 2016