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Kumitat dwar ix-Xogħol tal-Kamra

It-Tnax-il Leġiżlatura (2013 - 2017)

Estratt mill-Ordnijiet Permanenti

120C. (1) The Standing Committee on House Business shall have power to

(a) distribute Bills and other business among the Standing Committees appointed in accordance with the provisions of Standing Orders 96, 120A and 120B;
(b) (i) determine the number of sittings to be allotted for the consideration of a Bill by a Standing Committee;
(ii) allocate business to each sitting of a Standing Committee; and
(iii) determine the time when any business, if not previously concluded, shall be concluded by a Standing Committee; and
(c) consider all matters of procedure and business of the House, and report its opinion thereon to the House from time to time.

(2) A report of all resolutions carried by the Standing Committee on House Business shall be made to the House at the next sitting after a resolution is carried, immediately after Question time, and shall be recorded in the Minutes of the proceedings of the House.

(3) (a) The Standing Committee on House Business shall be constituted of the Leader of the House, two members nominated by the Prime Minister and two members nominated by the Leader of the Opposition.

(b) Three members in attendance shall constitute a quorum.

(4) Alternate members shall also be appointed for each member of the Standing Committee on House Business and the provisions of paragraph (4) of Standing Order 120B shall also apply.

(5) The Standing Committee on House Business shall be chaired by the Speaker who shall not vote unless on any question the votes are equally divided, in which case he shall have and exercise a casting vote."