Commemoration - Former Member of Parliament Mr Silvio Parnis |
Motion No. 99 - Criminal Code (Amendment) Bill - 1st Reading |
Motion No. 100 - Criminal Code (Amendment) Bill - 1st Reading |
Motion No. 99 - Criminal Code (Amendment) Bill
- First Reading
Motion No. 100 - Criminal Code (Amendment) Bill
- First Reading
Bill No. 39 -
Criminal Code (Amendment No. 2) Bill
Bill No. 40 -
Criminal Code (Amendment No 4) Bill
Bill No. 34 -
Standards in Public Life (Amendment) Bill
Commemoration - Former Member of Parliament Mr Silvio Parnis
Members who took part in the debate:
Hon. Robert Abela MP
Hon. Robert Cutajar MP
Hon. Julia Farrugia MP
Hon. Ivan Bartolo MP
Hon. Jonathan Attard MP
Hon. Charles Azzopardi MP
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No. {{pl.Number}} {{pl|titleFilter:lang}}
Fourteenth Legislature (2022 - )