The Speaker opens the 36th Small Branches Conference of the CPA in Dhaka, Bangladesh
02.11.2017 Press Release |
The Speaker expresses the condolences at the passing of Former MP Anthony Zammit
04.11.2017 L-Ispeaker tal-Kamra tad-Deputati Anġlu Farrugia, f’ismu u f’isem il-membri kollha tal-Kamra, jixtie… Press Release |
Parliamentary Delegation attends the opening of the 63rd Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference
06.11.2017 Opening of the 63rd Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference The delegation of the Maltese Parliament,… Press Release |
Closing of the 63rd Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference
07.11.2017 General Assembly of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association brings the 63rd Commonwealth Parliame… Press Release |
Two Maltese Members of Parliament visit the Rohingya refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh
09.11.2017 Two Maltese Members of Parliament visit the Rohingya refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh Member… Press Release |
The Speaker presides over launch of book by Dr Tonio Borg
11.11.2017 “Dan il-ktieb għandu jitqies bħala studju analitiku dwar l-istorja tad-demokrazija parlamentari f’pa… Press Release |
The Speaker visits the National Audit Office
13.11.2017 Speaker of the House of Representatives Anġlu Farrugia pays an official visit to the National Audit … Press Release Press Release |
Deputy Speaker receives the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway
17.11.2017 Deputy Speaker receives the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway Deputy Speaker Claudette Buttigieg,… Press Release |
Deputy Speaker receives the Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia on a courtesy visit
17.11.2017 Deputy Speaker receives the Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia on a courtesy visit Deputy Speake… Press Release |
Deputy Speaker receives the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand on a courtesy visit
17.11.2017 Deputy Speaker receives the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand on a courtesy visit Deputy Speake… Press Release |
Deputy Speaker receives the Ambassador of Luxembourg on a courtesy visit
17.11.2017 Deputy Speaker receives the Ambassador of Luxembourg on a courtesy visit Deputy Speaker Claudette… Press Release |
Maltese PAM delegation participates in the conference ‘Promoting better regional cooperation towards smart and humane migration across the Mediterranean’
18.11.2017 The Maltese delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly for the Mediterranean (PAM) headed by Justyne C… Press Release |
Tetra għall-Istrina from Parliament
21.11.2017 “Kif għamilna s-sena l-oħra, din is-sena wkoll mill-ogħla istituzzjoni tal-pajjiż, qed nagħtu s-sehe… Press Release |
Press Conference on the International Day against Domestic Violence
23.11.2017 Matul il-konferenza stampa dwar il-Jum Dinji kontra l-Vjolenza Domestika, l-Ispeaker tal-Kamra tad-D… Press Release |
Delegazzjoni mill-Parlament Malti tipparteċipa fil-LVIII Laqgħa ta’ COSAC
29.11.2017 Delegazzjoni tal-Parlament Malti pparteċipat fil-LVIII Laqgħa ta’ COSAC, liema laqgħa ġġib flimkien … Press Release |