Motion No. 81 - Constitution of Malta and Various Electoral Laws (Amendment) Bill
- First Reading
Motion No. 83 - Employment and Industrial Relations (Amendment) Bill
- First Reading
Motion No. 79 - Financial Plan in pursuance to Article 17 of the Parliamentary Service Act, Cap. 562
Motion No. 80 - Ombudsplan 2018
Motion No. 76 - Motion regarding Legal Notice 300 of 2017 - Environment Protection Act (Cap. 549) - regarding the increase in hunting and trapping hours in the Majjistral Nature and History Park Site
Hon. Godfrey Farrugia MP
Bill No. 23 -
Constitution of Malta and Various Electoral Laws (Amendment) Bill
Bill No. 56 -
Employment and Industrial Relations (Amendment) Bill
Bill No. 3 -
Various Financial Services Laws (Amendment) Bill
No. 6 - Ruling delivered by Speaker Anġlu Farrugia on misleading of the House
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No. {{pl.Number}} {{pl|titleFilter:lang}}
Thirteenth Legislature (2017 - 2022)