Motion No. 009 - Resolution on Transfer of Government Property vide article 3 of Cap. 268 of the Laws of Malta
S6 - 03.11.1998 |
Motion No. 021 - Resolution on payments for Local Council's special needs
S11 - 16.11.1998 |
Motion No. 026 - General Estimates 1999 - Motion that the House do resolve itself to a Committee of Supply to consider the General Estimates 1999
S29 - 11.12.1998 |
Motion No. 026 - General Estimates 1999 - Motion that the House do resolve itself to a Committee of Supply to consider the General Estimates 1999
S42 - 18.12.1998 |
Motion No. 061 - Motion with reference to the selling of shares that the Government has in Mid- Med Bank to HSBC
S92 - 10.05.1999 |
Motion No. 063 - Resolution on special needs funds for the Local Councils
S118 - 09.06.1999 |
Motion No. 093 - Motion with reference to Legal Notice 123 of 1999 on the Promotion of Local Products (Amendment to the Second Schedule) (re levies)
S151 - 07.10.1999 |
Motion No. 100 - Enemalta Corporation Financial Estimates 1999/2000
S165 - 26.10.1999 |