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Bill No. 115
Various Laws relating to Drugs (Amendment) Bill Back to List

Fourteenth Legislature (2022 - )

Objects and Reasons

The objects and reasons of this Bill are to widen the composition of the Drug Offenders Rehabilitation Board and to establish by law the  quorum for meetings of the said Board and this in order to strengthen its operational capacity. In addition, this Bill grants a wider discretion to the Courts in the application of the Drug Offenders (Treatment not Imprisonment) Act (Cap. 537) in order to favour rehabilitation, introduces an obligation that the decisions and reports of the Drug Offenders Rehabilitation Board shall include reasons, substitutes the system of recall of cases to one Court following a positive report of the Drug Offenders Rehabilitation Board, and moderates the current absolute exclusion of applicability of the law relating to rehabilitation in cases where the offence is committed in or in relation to a correctional facility. The Bill also proposes various measures aimed at the expedition of the hearing of drug offence cases by amending the guidelines as to the court in which a drug offence case is to be heard and provides for the possibility for the hearing of drug trafficking cases by a judge sitting without a jury in the Criminal Court.

Motion No. 301 - Drug Dependence (Treatment not Imprisonment) (Amendment) Bill


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