Motion No. 312 - Motion for the Government to borrow money by issuing debt instruments |
Motion No. 312 - Motion for the Government to borrow money by issuing debt instruments
Hon. Edward Scicluna MP
Motion No. 330 - Legal and Other Time Periods (Suspension and Interruption) Bill
- First Reading
Motion No. 331 - Budget Measures Implementation Act, 2020 (Amendment) Bill
- First Reading
Motion No. 328 - Motion for the increase in the sum that the Government can loan by the issue of debt instrument
Bill No. 123 -
Legal and Other Time Periods (Suspension and Interruption) Bill
Bill No. 122 -
Budget Measures Implementation Act, 2020 (Amendment) Bill
Bill No. 90 -
Eco-Contribution (Amendment) Bill
Bill No. 103 -
Maltese Citizenship (Amendment) Bill
Bill No. 113 -
Police (Amendment) Bill
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No. {{pl.Number}} {{pl|titleFilter:lang}}
Thirteenth Legislature (2017 - 2022)