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Bill No. 169
Justice Reform (Civil Procedure) Bill Back to List

Thirteenth Legislature (2017 - 2022)

Objects and Reasons

The objects and reasons of this Bill are to continue with the implementation of reforms of the justice system in the field of civil procedure. The Bill principally aims to reduce the backlog of cases before the Court of Appeal by providing for the possibility of the appellate court to grant a hearing only in those cases where it considers that this is necessary. The Bill also provides for a reduced time-frame for the payment of security for costs in respect of appeals. Where such security will not be provided in time the appeal will be declared abandoned. The Bill also provides for a longer time limit for the filing of appeals and replies thereby allowing for these written pleadings to be better prepared.

Motion No. 420 - Justice Reform (Civil Procedure) Bill

Act No. XXXII of 2021 - Justice Reform (Civil Procedure) Act


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