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Bill No. 61
Various Laws (Relocation of Offices and Notification by Electronic Means) Bill Back to List

Thirteenth Legislature (2017 - 2022)

Objects and Reasons

The objects and reasons of this Bill is to provide for the possibility of relocation of the offices of the Public Registry in Malta and Gozo. The Bill also aims to simplify, taking into account the electronic means available to the public, the notification of the birth of a child as well as notifications of death. The Bill provides for electronic notification, which notification shall have the same effect of the notification that is done by the parents attending personally to make such notification. The Bill also provides the electronic notification of death, which notification shall have the same effect of the notification that is done by a person attending personally to make such notification.

Motion No. 170 - Various Laws (Relocation of Offices and Notification by Electronic Means) Bill

Act No. XLIII of 2018 - Various Laws (Relocation of Offices and Notification by Electronic Means) (Amendment) Act


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