Condolences on the passing of Mr Carmelo Pullicino, father of Hon George Pullicino Parliamentary Secretary |
Condolences on the passing of Mrs Carmel Azzopardi, mother of Hon Frederick Azzopardi |
Motion No. 96 - Refugees Bill
- First Reading
Bill No. 46 -
Refugees Bill
Bill No. 18 -
Disposal of Government Land (Amendment) Bill
Condolences on the passing of Mr Carmelo Pullicino, father of Hon George Pullicino Parliamentary Secretary
Members who took part in the debate:
Hon. Lawrence Gonzi MP
Hon. George Vella MP
Hon. Anton Tabone MP
Condolences on the passing of Mrs Carmel Azzopardi, mother of Hon Frederick Azzopardi
Members who took part in the debate:
Hon. Lawrence Gonzi MP
Hon. George Vella MP
Hon. Anton Tabone MP
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No. {{pl.Number}} {{pl|titleFilter:lang}}
Ninth Legislature (1998 - 2003)