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Bill No. 80
Competition Act and Consumer Affairs Act and other Laws (Amendment) Bill Back to List

Thirteenth Legislature (2017 - 2022)

Objects and Reasons

The objects and reasons of this Bill are to amend the Competition Act, the Consumer Affairs Act, the Code of Organization and Civil Procedure and the Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority Act in order to address the concerns raised by the Constitutional Court on the imposition of administrative penalties by non-judicial bodies in the judgements delivered on the 3rd May 2016, in the names Federation of Estates Agents v Direttur Ġenerali (Kompetizzjoni) et and 8th October 2018 in the names Thake Rosette Noe Et v Kummissjoni Elettorali.

Motion No. 207 - Competition (Amendment) Bill, Consumers Affairs (Amendment) Bill and other laws

Act No. XVI of 2019 - Competition Act and Consumer Affairs Act and other Laws (Amendment) Act


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